Read my article on outdoor photography. Here are a few more tips…
• Create a dramatic “depth of field” shot where your subject is in focus but the background is blurry. Simply switch to your telephoto lens (a 200 mm or better) and move in close to the subject.
• Use a good memory card, at least 8 Gb. So you will never have to worry about getting a “not enough disc space” message in the middle of your photshoot. It also pays to check the save speed of the card. A card with a higher write speed makes it much easier to take a lot of pictures, fast.
• Set your white balance according to conditions. It will help keep highlights from “blowing out” (or going completely white).
• Use a high resolution setting. If you happen to grab that once in a lifetime shot and want to print and frame it, you might not be able to if you are shooting low-res (it will turn out blurry). You can always res down your images (make them smaller) but you can’t make them bigger (without losing quality). My camera is set to save all images around 3.5 Mb. If i want to post them on the website or Facebook, I lower the resolution in Photoshop and save the image. Images for web resolution should be 72 dpi or ppi (pixels per inch) print optimized photos should be saved at 300 dpi.