It’s been said that Illinois is the land of opportunity. I believe that’s true, especially when it comes to politics and public hunting. I’m not much for politics, but hunting is

at the top of my priority list. And make no mistake, public hunting is one area where our state excels.
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is responsible for providing and managing over 736,000 hunt-able acres throughout our State. All of these properties are governed by statewide-established game laws. Some are subject to regulations specific to that site. To date, there are over 220 state-sanctioned hunting areas that offer Illinois residents the opportunity to hunt most of the game species in our state including ducks, geese, deer, wild turkey, furbearers and upland birds.
Many outdoorsmen and women don’t realize that some of the best public hunting areas in the state are within a half hour drive. Some of these hunt areas are more well-known and are hunted frequently. But most of them receive very little hunting pressure and can be an outstanding (and free) alternative to hunting private property. I have harvested many deer on public land, simply by doing my homework and being patient. And, we are right in the middle of some of the best waterfowl hunting in the Midwest.
Take a gander at these excellent public hunting areas in the Will, Grundy and Kankakee County region:
Midewin Tallgrass Prairie
Over 9,000 acres of native tallgrass prairie interpersed with patches of hardwood timber, creeks and hedgerows have made this one of the top deer archery hunting spots in the county. There are lots of big deer on this property, with the best opportunities in the timber along the creek. It’s free to the public, but you must register first. Get more details at
Heidecke Lake and Goose Lake Prairie State Park.
With over 4,000 acres, this site is another great archery deer hunting property. With sparse timber, it has some challenges but it is loaded with whitetails. It also offers a late-season antlerless-only hunt in January to help thin the herd. I have had a few successful late season hunts on this property. Chances are good that you will have a shot at a deer—just make sure you dress for single-digit temperatures. More info here.
Mazonia State Fish and Wildlife Area is one the premier waterfowl meccas in the state. Located smack in the middle of the northern fly zone, Mazonia offers fantastic opportunities for duck and goose hunters. Blind sites are available via a lottery system. Find details on the DNR site here.
Kankakee River State Park located south of Wilmington along the Kankakee River is a small game hunter’s paradise. The habitat is comprised of outstanding pheasant cover, with lots of timber broken up by fields of CRP grass and hedgerows. Plus the state does a phenomenal job of stocking birds. I have rarely hunted there and NOT seen any birds. In addition to pheasant you stand a good chance to flush quail and rabbits, and the dove hunting is excellent in September. And because of the sandy soil, the area has a good population of woodcock. Drawings are held for available openings every day at 8:45 am except Mondays and Tuesdays during the small game season. Drawing and registration is held at the main office at Kankakee State Park on Rte 102. More info here.
Des Plaines Conservation Area is fairly popular public spot well known for it’s pheasant hunting. This 3,500 acre site has a beautifully diverse habitat ranging from woods and wetlands to native grass prairies and agricultural fields. The area is also home to many dog training and field trial events. Hunters can get more information here.
If you don’t mind traveling a little bit, there are a few other great places to hunt that are not so well known, but offer a great chance to fill your bag.
Marseilles Fish and Wildlife Area
This is some of the best deer terrain that I have hunted in Illinois. Primarily used for Army National Guard Training from February through October, the area is open for gun and archery deer hunting, as well as small game and turkey hunting after October. There is no cost to hunters, but you had better get in shape. The 2,200 hunt-able acres are mostly up and down — extremely rugged terrain, heavy timber and lots of deep ravines. Firearm hunting for deer is offered by the state permit lottery. But standby permits are also available if the quota of hunters is not filled.
Starved Rock State Park
Located on the historic bluffs of the Illinois River, Starved Rock State Park has a healthy population of deer and small game. This property has some spectacular scenery, but also can be challenging to hunt with deep draws and canyons. Site- specific rules designate this as an antlerless-only deer hunting property in October, but they have recently allowed the harvesting of antlered deer from November 1st through the end of the season. With over 4,000 hunt-able acres, chances are good that you’ll have a shot at deer. Get details here.
Remember that all of these hunt areas have their own site-specific rules and regulations in addition to the state enforced game laws, so be sure to know the rules before you step foot in the field.
Don’t have a spot to hunt?
There is certainly no reason that you should spend this hunting season on the couch. You may be missing some excellent opportunities, especially if you’re not afraid to put a few miles on your boots.
Check out the online version of this article at the Morris Daily Herald Lifestyles link here.